Boundless You

Is it time to declutter?

Many of us tend to have sentimental value attached to our possessions, or perhaps we believe there might be some hidden value in them. One of the big reasons we hold onto things though, is fear – fearing the loss of status, security, comfort, and love when we let go of these items. Our “things” represent our past, present, and future – memories, hopes, dreams, emotions, identity, worth.
Decluttering forces you to face your core beliefs and what you have based your life on.
According to June Saruwatari, author of Behind the Clutter, one of the reasons we hold onto things is hope – hoping to lose weight, hoping to catch up on reading, hoping to finish an abandoned project. Furthermore, it could indicate guilt for perhaps spending too much on an item (justifying the purchase) and regret (we have all let something go only to need it at a later stage). Clutter might then very well be a physical manifestation of emotions.
Some tips to approaching the decluttering process:
– Attitude of gratitude: going into the process with gratitude for the fact that you can donate to others who are less fortunate and at the same time appreciate yourself for deciding to take this step. Gratitude is also the ultimate state of receivership!
– Capture the moment: taking photos of items that you have sentimental connection with might also assist you. You can hold onto the memory forever without the baggage.

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