Boundless You

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So often we have a vision that seems impossible to reach and in this process our focus goes to the challenges and obstacles that might come up.

In psychology, ironic process theory or the white bear problem, refers to the process whereby deliberate attempts to suppress certain thoughts make them more likely to surface. When I tell you don’t think about a white bear, you are most likely only going to think about a white bear.

Consider this statement in context of aiming for a promotion at work or starting an exercise routine or going on a diet. What thoughts are going through your mind? Perhaps some of the below sound familiar to you:

“Being promoted is not up to me and out of my control”

“People who get promoted are more charismatic than me”

“I don’t know everything I need to in order to be promoted”

“I don’t like working out”

“I will never be that strong / fit”

“I am not allowed to eat x, y, and z”

“I have never been able to keep the weight off after I return to my normal routine”

When you utter these lines, it might be all you think of and as our brains are wired to prove our beliefs, you will start seeing evidence of the above all around you.

What if instead, you said the following:

“I care about my performance so I will put effort into my work”

“I will show up to work as the best version of myself regardless of the outcome”

“My ability to learn and grow is limitless”

“I choose to show up for myself every day”

“I have already come so far and accomplished many things I never thought possible”

“There are so many healthy options for me to choose from”

“I am choosing a healthy lifestyle and will implement it to the best of my ability and knowledge”

You are who you believe you are – shift your focus from limiting beliefs toward empowering ones that will serve your goals and vision. Have awareness of your thoughts, challenges and limiting beliefs but focus your energy and attention on solutions and achieving your goals.

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