Boundless You


3 Week Workshop May 2022


Empower yourself and start changing your life today! Feeling stuck and unable to overcome certain challenges? Capitalise on this opportunity as a catalyst to your new future.

Discover the 8 dimensions of wellness

Develop your personal wellness goals

Understand how we change habits, behaviours, thoughts, beliefs

Compile a feasible strategy to implement lifestyle changes

Tools to support overall wellness

Be empowered to create your future

Wellness is multi-dimensional and does not merely refer to the absence of dis-ease. Living with purpose, being in love with life, happiness, meaningful relationships, and a healthy body & environment are all factors contributing to our holistic wellness.

Living in wellness entails an intentional and conscious process where personal accountability plays a key role. We have the power to create a more fulfilling life by the choices we make every day – this includes a self-defined balance of habits and behaviours that serve us.

We are mostly aware of what the better choice will be in any given scenario – the choice that will serve us best, but at times we still choose the other option. In this workshop we will focus more on why we experience this challenge and how it can be overcome rather than discussing the actual options. We are all unique, and what works for one may not work for another. When we have awareness of areas in our life that require more attention, we can shift our focus and develop an action plan to address it – a unique plan specific to our own needs and lifestyle. Intentional excellence with brilliant execution.

Complete the assessment and challenges as best you can! If you fully commit to this process I guarantee personal shifts will take place.

Enjoy the journey.

Week 1

Week 2

Download the workbook for week 2

Complete the assessment and challenges as best you can!

Week 3

Download the workbook for week 3

Complete the assessment and challenges as best you can!

Relevant links referred to in Week 3 video:

Steven Covey – First things first | Future self meditation

Seeking a more personal, in depth experience?

Embark on a journey of self discovery where you have the opportunity to explore your vision, future self, limiting beliefs, strengths, and opportunities as well as set goals and strategies to achieve them. Not just an online course – this is real time face to face coaching where you will be challenged to become the best version of yourself. To step out of your old ways and into the new. How different would your life be if you believed life is happening for you, and not to you?

Your Coach, Nicole Viljoen

In my personal pursuit to answer the question Why? – I have researched and studied a wide spectrum of resources and built a library of tools which I am now able to present in a way that leads clients to implement sustainable change in their lives. I utilize proven methods backed by some of the greatest minds currently exploring neuroscience, neuroplasticity, epigenetics, psychology, coaching and quantum physics.

I have been fascinated with the human journey of self-discovery for many years which led me to books, thought leaders and research that broadens our understanding of the human psyche to such a level that almost creates a feeling of overwhelm when we realise what our potential is and how much power we really have over our circumstances and lives. It is my absolute passion to share this knowledge and empower individuals to take action in their own lives.


Why work with a Coach?

To some, the term life coaching may sound foreign. Let’s demystify it!

Life coaching is defined as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential” – ICF

Get a clear vision of the outcome and life you desire
Set out goals, plans and strategies to achieve it
Self-discovery and growth
Being held accountable to encourage independence
Identifying limiting beliefs
Work toward a work/life balance
Learn to communicate more effectively
Develop powerful connections professionally and personally
Improving relationships
Managing change in personal / professional life
Discovering core values
Work through self-destructive habits

Copy of Copy of Copy of 12 Week Immersion Program