Boundless You

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Once we have invested time in our energy levels / FIRE (read more here) and generated awareness of our frame through which we view our realities (read more here), we can move forward and create our action plan.

We start by establishing the vision we have for ourselves, from where courageous goals are boldly claimed followed by our SMART goals and finally the action plan.


Your vision is a clear image of the person you want to be combined with the emotions / feelings that future self version is experiencing. How is this version of you presenting himself / herself to you? What are they wearing? How are they walking? What facial expression is prominent? What emotional vibe is expressed? What are they doing? Try and build a clear image and emotional charge to fire up the vision. A compelling vision for the future has been associated with increased levels of happiness – so put some effort into this step and really dig deep!


Courageous goal setting has the potential to generate profound levels of “fire” within us and speaks to our inner being as we connect with these goals on a different level.

This approach offers the opportunity to set goals and visions that generate excitement, fear, adventure, inspiration and imagination. Your first reaction to a courageous goal should be “That is impossible!” perhaps followed by “Even if possible, it would scare me to commit”, finally landing on “If I do this, then my whole life will change in ways that I can’t even comprehend right now”.

Moving from outrageous to being frightened to being in a transformative space.

Use these questions to support you in this process:

  • What would be possible for you if you had all the support you needed?
  • If there were no constraints or limitations, what would you want to achieve?
  • If you believed in yourself 110%, what would you be capable of achieving?
  • If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you attempt to do immediately?
  • What emotions are triggered when you think about achieving this goal?
  • What is your excitement level? Fear level?
  • Why will this be a life changing goal once achieved?
  • What inspires you about this goal?

Examples of courageous goals: I will close the largest deal ever this year, my goal is to be the first female CEO of this company by 35, my goal is to write a bestselling book within 5 years.


Traditionally, methods like the SMART model are used to assist us in setting and navigating our goals. In this model, all goals are validated against the following criteria:

S: Specific

M: Measurable

A: Agreed

R: Realistic

T: Timelined

List your SMART goals that will support your courageous goals listed above.

Examples: I will increase my sales by 10% within 3 months, my goal is to get a promotion within 2 years, my goal is to write an article for the local paper in the next 3 months.


Now you can start building your action plan that will support your SMART goals and get to an immediate next step (no matter how small) that you can take. Determine the resources and support you will need in this step. Also consider possible challenges that might have an influence and work on solutions.

Once your goals and plan is set up, compare it to your vision again and consider how your immediate next steps will support your future self vision.

*Taken from Rewire from Wellness Workshop

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