Boundless You

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Have you heard of the term headwater before? It refers to “a tributary stream of a river close to or forming part of its source” – essentially the source of a river. When I think about how we show up for others, how we give, how we support, how we love, how we contribute joy – the term headwater brings a poetic metaphor to bind this concept. Consider a river within you as the flow of what you give and what you receive or replenish.

How amazing would your life be if your source just kept on replenishing your river to form a magical waterfall flowing to everyone around you? Essentially having so many resources (time, money, energy, love, joy, compassion) that you can give and give without your river running dry – without getting tired, depleted, depressed, hopeless, frustrated, grasping onto emotional crutches (alcohol, food, drugs).

From this image, it is easy to see that the key to your waterfall overflowing is having sustainable headwaters – or sources. Can you think of ways you currently fill your river, if any? How are you showing up for yourself? How do you sustain a constant healthy flow?

When we show up for others and when we give or put our resources out in the world – at work in your team, deadlines, traffic, conflict, at home investing time with your family, cooking, cleaning, being emotionally available, at social events contributing joy, cheer, listening to and supporting friends – we are letting our river flow to others / circumstances. When your river has no source, or not a sustainable one, your river will run dry. You will become depleted.

Create strong sources for your river – a strong base to ensure you are giving from your overflow and not your life source. Show up for yourself first, love yourself first. You can serve those you love from a point of strength and personal power when you have served yourself first.  

Strong sources are maintained and sustained daily – it is not a once off activity and you hope it lasts forever. Being powers your doing – find what powers you. Yoga, meditation, walking, gardening, nature, reading, exercise, learning, music are all examples of sources. We each design our own headwaters by implementing sustainable practices in our daily routines. Whatever works for you – we are all unique.

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