Boundless You

12 Week Immersion Program

light your Fire, re-Frame & move Forward

Are you ready to

Take back your power & create your dream life?

Create powerful relationships, behaviours and habits?

Experience freedom & ABUNDANCE?

Light your fire and increase your energy?

Be better, more productive & empowered to achieve your goals?

Understand yourself and motivations to a greater degree?

The key to changing your thoughts, habits, beliefs and behaviours can be so easy & simple once you have a sustainable personal strategy in place. 

By the age of 35 almost 95% of our thoughts, habits, feelings and behaviours are hard wired functioning like a computer program. That means that 95% of what you do daily is pretty much on autopilot! That includes your beliefs about why you don’t have financial abundance, why everything is so hard, why conflict keeps finding you – BUT, what if you believed


How would this change your perception? I know this line might make you feel a bit uncomfortable – it is supposed to. This boldly implies that you have control over how you perceive events happening in your life. You can choose to be the victim (which we love to do and usually brings us nowhere accept deeper in that black hole) OR you can choose to be the HERO of your own story. How epic is that? You actually have a choice. You can choose to react based on past emotions or you can choose to respond based on the person you want to be. Not shackled by memories, thoughts and emotions of the past. Not living in survival but creating your future. 

Ready already?

Read on below or get in touch right away via email or Whatsapp.

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During the 12 Week Immersion Program, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery with the opportunity to really uncover where you are at this moment and even get to the bottom of why. You will work towards identifying your ideal future self, set goals and implement plans to achieve them. 

So why do you need to invest in a proven strategy to guide you on this journey? 

This program is designed to take you on a journey of self discovery where you have the opportunity to explore your vision, future self, limiting beliefs, strengths, and opportunities as well as set goals and strategies to achieve them. This is not an just an online course, this is real time face to face coaching where you will be challenged to become the best version of yourself. To step out of your old ways and into the new. 

FireFrameForward is an easy to remember philosophy that provides a framework in which you build your strategy, awareness and execution plan. 


Quick intro to the FireFrameForward Immersion Program


light your FIRE 

You need energy to achieve anything in life so this is probably the most important aspect to start with. What good are your goals if you don’t have the energy to execute your action plan? Perhaps you are trying to quit your 9 to 5, but you literally have no energy left at the end of the day to work on your passion. Perhaps you want to create a fulfilling family life and spend more quality time with your partner and children but all you can think of is your bed. Perhaps you are aiming to achieve your fitness and health goals but you are so drained that always seems like the last item on your list of priorities. Whatever your circumstances may be, you need energy to move forward. This program takes you through your current energy drains and offers space in which you can develop energy generation strategies. Sounds pretty good doesn’t it. 


Next up, implementing changes with regards to beliefs, identity, personality, perceptions, behaviours, emotions, connections. Although it sounds overwhelming, just know, this is a process. This program teaches you all of the techniques so you can implement change successfully for the rest of your life. Change is not linear, but rather events that we choose to undertake due to our circumstances. If you are not fulfilled, happy or in love with life – you always have the power to choose to change. 


Now we get to where we are usually told to start with. Goal setting, action plans and strategies. When you have fire and your frame is on point, you are in the perfect space to move forward and be the person you want to be. That vision you created of who you are, where you are and what you are doing. All of these elements work together to ensure success in your attempts to live the future you created in your vision. 

I am ready for a complimentary discovery call.

Email / Whatsapp to schedule an appointment. Read on below for more program info.

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I truly believe every person already possesses all the tools they will ever need to become the person they already are (yes, you read that right 😉). Sometimes though, we might need someone to guide us to our inner knowing. During our sessions, I will act as a guide, you will do the work and together we will build your guidance system for the road to becoming the person you are – and then BEING that person. You have the power to create the life you want.


Investment in yourself

12 hour live, one to one, immersion program spread over 12 weeks to ensure maximum effectiveness and sustainable strategies for change

R 6 000

Program includes: 

  • 12 x 60min live one to one sessions with me (via Zoom)
  • Assessments (DiSC, core values)
  • Exercise journals as the program progresses
  • BONUS: self reflection journal with over 40 questions to encourage personal deep dives 
  • Optional check in opportunities via Whatsapp for accountability purposes


Coaching is not Therapy

There will be a lot of self-work involved for you to gain the most from this experience (including journaling, doing deep dives into certain behavioural aspects / core values etc). Be ready to change your life!

Sign me up! I am ready for greatness.

Ready to light your FIRE? Schedule your first appointment via Whatsapp or Email. If you have any questions let’s book a complimentary 15min discovery call first. 

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Nicole Viljoen // // 084 579 1126

Youtube link below with additional resources.

Your Coach, Nicole Viljoen

In my personal pursuit to answer the question Why? – I have researched and studied a wide spectrum of resources and built a library of tools which I am now able to present in a way that leads clients to implement sustainable change in their lives. I utilize proven methods backed by some of the greatest minds currently exploring neuroscience, neuroplasticity, epigenetics, psychology, coaching and quantum physics.

I have been fascinated with the human journey of self-discovery for many years which led me to books, thought leaders and research that broadens our understanding of the human psyche to such a level that almost creates a feeling of overwhelm when we realise what our potential is and how much power we really have over our circumstances and lives. It is my absolute passion to share this knowledge and empower individuals to take action in their own lives.


Why work with a Coach?

To some, the term life coaching may sound foreign. Let’s demystify it!

Life coaching is defined as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential” – ICF

Get a clear vision of the outcome and life you desire
Set out goals, plans and strategies to achieve it
Self-discovery and growth
Being held accountable to encourage independence
Identifying limiting beliefs
Work toward a work/life balance
Learn to communicate more effectively
Develop powerful connections professionally and personally
Improving relationships
Managing change in personal / professional life
Discovering core values
Work through self-destructive habits

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