Boundless You

Copy of Copy of Copy of 12 Week Immersion Program (8)

“Love yourself enough to see it through.”

Resistance is an inevitable obstacle we encounter when we attempt to make a change, even when the change is positive. Naturally, we will seek the path of least resistance, even if that choice is slowly taking everything from you.

One key step towards overcoming this challenge is awareness. Awareness offers you the opportunity to have clarity on your triggers and manage your response from there instead of an unconscious reaction.

Resistance not only occurs on a psychological level, but also on a physiological level. It may show up in your life looking like:
– Self-sabotage
– Procrastination
– Distractions
– Avoidance
– Always “feeling stuck”
– Finding excuses
– Overanalysing
– Demotivation
– Lowered energy levels
– Physical reactions (discomfort, pain, etc)
– Self-negotiation
– Too much self-compassion (giving yourself a “break” even if you just started)
When you have awareness of what resistance looks like in your life, you can work through it instead of unconsciously giving in.
1. Expect resistance when you attempt to change.
2. Increase awareness on moments when you are triggered and what your resistance looks like.
3. Hold onto your vision of your future self – why are you attempting to make this change? Write it down!
4. Ensure you have the necessary resources to make the change. Do you need to gain more knowledge or skills to see the change through?
5. Put an action plan in place to support you during times of intense resistance to keep you on track and build the habit of pushing through instead of giving up.
Greatness lies on the other side of your comfort zone!

Even though it may feel difficult to change your thoughts, actions, behaviours and feelings – just know that with practice you can do anything. Hold your vision clearly and remind yourself of the emotions connected to that vision consistently, everyday and in every moment you want to give up.

You are worthy.

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