Boundless You

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We tend to delay our own growth and joy due to the story we tell ourselves. It usually sounds something like “I can’t do that because…”, “I am never going to…”, “I always…”, “… is who I am”, “…. is in my genes”, “…is my personality”. The good news is none of the above is true – whatever you added in the blank spaces. Those are all stories you tell yourself, taking yourself out of the game. You have the power to take back your power by taking accountability for where you are now and rerouting yourself to the journey you really want and deserve.

It will take work, effort, and time – but ask yourself this: will it be worth the effort if it means the realisation of the vision you have for yourself? Are you worth your own time and energy? Answering yes to these questions puts you on the path of greatness – becoming and being the person you are worthy of experiencing. It all starts with one decision, one moment, one step.

Think, respond, and act beyond your environment and your present moment. Think about a time where you achieved something awesome. How did you do that? Why did you do it? Did it take practice, time, effort, passion? How can you recreate that experience toward a goal you currently have?

Consider the following analogy of the Olympic athlete vs the recreational jogger. The recreational jogger may only need to declare an intention of jogging, perhaps to a friend for accountability, and will be on his/her way to achieve the goal. Olympic athletes on the other hand require more than intention to win a gold medal. This is where the role of a coach comes in – intentional excellence with brilliant execution. If you seek to win the gold medal in life – accomplishment, joy, love, challenge, success, relationships, stretch, striving, excellence – a coach might just be your answer!  

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