Boundless You


I had a chat with someone not too long ago about the perception we have of our age. She has a big vision for her future and her inner fire is burning to get the ball rolling to start achieving her goals. As she mentioned this to a family member, her enthusiasm was met with strong resistance. This person immediately questioned her ability to be taken seriously in the role she envisioned. Her age was used as the only measuring tool to determine whether she will be successful pursuing her dream immediately. It was expected of her to first gain experience. But how much experience do you need to start chasing your dreams and vision? What is an acceptable number of years? What if she just jumped and started right now, boldly, and courageously? Making mistakes along the way and learn how to grow and improve the vision?

Your age is not an indication of your level of self-awareness.

Don’t let anyone ever make you feel that you need life experience to do anything. You can be 60, with 40 years behind you in the working environment, but still only 10 years’ experience – many people only grow for a few years and then they just repeat what they know for the rest of their careers resisting any form of change and improvement. Your number of years in the working environment does not equal your number of years’ experience.

We make statements to others from our own frame of reference and expect our perceptions to be the truth. Our beliefs about how things “should be” hinder us from moving forward and living the lives we are destined to live. There are no rules prohibiting you from pursuing your dream right now. So, work through those limiting beliefs and go for it!

Encourage growth through failing as part of the success journey.

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