Boundless You

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We have all experienced moments where we felt hopeless and wanted to give up on a change we were attempting to make. A moment where the resistance was just too much, and you had no more energy left to push through it.

As with the image attached, you never know how close you are to a breakthrough. Right on the other side of your resistance lies greatness – the diamonds. Understanding the resistance and having a strategy to work through it sustainably takes you right to where you are aiming to be. All of the power lies within your reach. Choose yourself, choose greatness – and love yourself enough to see it through!

Our bodies are designed to keep us in a comfort zone – even if this comfort zone is not beneficial to you. Consider this example: a child growing up in a difficult emotional environment. The child may react by closing off to emotions in order to protect himself. Fast forward to 20 years later – he is now in a relationship and unable to open up emotionally. When he was a child, it served him to close off, but it does not serve his current situation, and may eventually lead to conflict if not confronted and changed. From this example it is easy to see how a response we had to something in our early childhood can influence the rest of our lives if we do not consciously decide to take action. In that moment as a child, your body created a safe space for you. So, when we approach changes like this, we do it with compassion and self-love.

Our bodies are wired to protect us, to create a comfort zone, and then to keep us there. And when I say wired, it refers to hard wired. Neurons that fire together, wire together – literally. Check out this video to see what it looks like: 

In order to make a change then, is not just a matter of deciding. It takes will power, self-discipline, awareness, desire, tools & techniques, knowledge, and a strategy to create sustainable long-term change – physically rewiring your brain! When you choose to change and start doing something differently, you are creating a new neural network. For a neural network to grow stronger and last, you must repeat the same action, behaviour, thought, belief consistently. At the same time, you are essentially breaking through an old neural pathway – which is why the resistance can come through quite intense.

It helps understanding what your body is going through when you attempt to change. With awareness comes power. Once you have awareness, you can start building a strategy to support yourself throughout the process.

You are worthy of being in love with life. Let go of the emotions of the past (with compassion) and shift your focus to the person you want to be – the one filled with gratitude, love, compassion, adventure, energy! Use visualisation to create this image every morning and start feeling the emotions of that person you are seeing.

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