Boundless You

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We tend to always shift our hopes, dreams, and happiness to a point in the future. “When I have this / that, I will be happy”, “Once I achieved x, I will be ready to live my life”, “I will experience gratitude when my debt is paid off”, “I will be joyful again once I lost weight”.

By thinking this way, we set ourselves up for never achieving that point – it will always remain at some unknown future moment. So many great minds speak of the generous present moment and what the impact of embracing it can have on our lives. Instead of waiting for something / someone to be in your present moment to trigger the desired emotion (happiness, love, gratitude, joy, etc) – generate that feeling now – even before you have a “reason” to feel it. Experience gratitude as if your debt is paid off, experience joy in your current body before losing weight, be happy without that “need/want”, be in love with life as if you have everything you need and want, look at yourself in the mirror and say I love you, even if you believe you have no reason to do so.

If you cannot get there in your mind, you cannot get there – ask any high performing athlete! Find a way to feel the emotion – even if you struggle to connect it to the specific event. Try generating the emotion by thinking of a past event where you have already felt that and can recall it clearly.

Practice this every morning, irrelevant of circumstances – Every. Single. Morning. You will start noticing shifts in your reality and perception thereof. A good practice is to implement this habit in your life either once you wake up or just before you go to bed. Personally, I prefer mornings – this way I get to create my day and decide how I am showing up in the world. Dr Joe Dispenza offers great guided meditations on his website and on Youtube you can find millions of free content to get you started.

Challenge yourself to 21 days, every morning, for at least 15 minutes.

Life is happening for you, whether you believe this or not. You are worthy of greatness and to be the person in your vision. Release attachment to the outcome and be happy / joyful / in love with life during the process in the moment.

When you place your attention on future / past concerns or others and their opinions you are essentially giving away your power and energy. It is taking your focus away from the generous present moment. Is it worth it? Get back to yourself, get back to the present moment and savour the goodness. Initiate much needed boundaries and invest time in yourself – self-care is how you show yourself you are valuable. Love yourself first.

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