Boundless You

Copy of Copy of Copy of 12 Week Immersion Program (4)

Begin with the End in Mind

SMART vs Courageous Goals

SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timelined
COURAGEOUS: inspirational, exciting, adventurous, outrageous, frightening, transformative
Courageous goals generate emotion and a sense of wonder. You might not even be able to imagine how that might be achieved. Dream it, share it with your support system and take the smallest tangible step you can towards this goal. Ask yourself, what is the next step I can take that would be exciting? What next step can I take to show myself I am serious about this goal? Who can support me to take this step successfully?
(Some points sourced from Challenging Coaching, John Blakey, Ian Day & 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers, Sean Covey)

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