Boundless You

Life Coaching

Become the person you already are

About Your Coach - Nicole Viljoen

In my personal pursuit to answer the question Why? – I have researched and studied a wide spectrum of resources and built a library of tools which I am now able to present in a way that leads clients to implement sustainable change in their lives. I utilize proven methods backed by some of the greatest minds currently exploring neuroscience, neuroplasticity, epigenetics, psychology, coaching and quantum physics.

I have been fascinated with the human journey of self-discovery for many years which led me to books, thought leaders and research that broadens our understanding of the human psyche to such a level that almost creates a feeling of overwhelm when we realise what our potential is and how much power we really have over our circumstances and lives. It is my absolute passion to share this knowledge and empower individuals to take action in their own lives.

What can you expect from coaching?

Get a clear vision of the outcome and life you desire

Set out goals, plans and strategies to achieve it

Self-discovery and growth

Being held accountable to encourage independence

Identifying limiting beliefs

Work toward a work/life balance

Learn to communicate more effectively

Develop powerful connections professionally and personally

Improving relationships

Managing change in personal / professional life

Discovering core values

Work through self-destructive habits


Free 3 Week Online Workshop

Empower yourself and start changing your life today! Feeling stuck and unable to overcome certain challenges? Capitalise on this opportunity as a catalyst to your new future.

12 Week Immersion Program

Are your ready to – 

Take back your power? Create powerful relationships, behaviours & habits? Communicate confidently and efficiently? Light your fire and increase your energy? Be better, more productive & empowered to achieve your goals? Understand yourself and motivations to a greater degree?

Corporate Coaching

Why companies invest in soft skills

In 2017 Harvard University, Boston College and the University of Michigan conducted a study in which the research supported the concept that soft skills training increased businesses’ ROI. They found that:

Productivity increased by 12%

Employee retention rates increased

The return on investment was 256%

Apply for a complimentary 1 to 1 coaching session

I am offering limited complimentary sessions per month for individuals looking to explore the option of coaching to overcome challenges and become the best version of themselves. The key to changing your thoughts, habits, beliefs, and behaviours is having a sustainable personal strategy in place. Thrive instead of survive!

How different would your life be if you believed life is happening for you, and not to you?