Boundless You

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3 Habits draining your energy…and how you can boost your energy!

“Where you place your attention is where you place your energy” – Dr Joe Dispenza

1. Lack of personal boundaries – do you say yes too easily and find yourself over committed with no personal time?
2. Allocating too much attention on external events and other people – how often do you find your whole day has changed for the worst due to an external event / person?
3. Worrying about past and future events – “how am I going to pay the bills this month?” sound familiar?
Many other factors also contribute to a lack of energy including poor sleeping habits, bad diet, being negative / complaining, not taking control in your own life, over analyzing everything, gossiping and unhealthy relationships, people pleasing, caffeine, alcohol, smoking.
How can you generate more energy? Addressing the matters above that are applicable to you is a great start. Each one of us can develop our own formula / strategy to master our physical, mental, and emotional energy levels to empower us to achieve greatness and overcome challenges that we inevitably face in life. Physical exhaustion, mental fog and being emotionally drained does not need to be your standard day to day.
Take back your power and action at least one tool this week!
Tips to generate more energy:
– Physical elements you can implement include a good routine comprised of regular exercise, balanced nutritious eating habits, enough good quality sleep.
– Foods that increase energy include: broccoli, salmon, lentils, bananas, sweet potatoes
– Vitamins that increase energy: VitB1, Folate, VitC, Zinc
– Adapt the belief that life is happening for you, not to you. Take accountability, and in doing so, you take back your personal power.
– Check the language you use when speaking with yourself and others. Are you building up or breaking down? Generate awareness on your self-talk.
– In taking accountability and being proactive (as per Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of highly effective people) – you can choose to respond instead of reacting. Being in control of your emotions instead of your emotions controlling you.
– Prepare yourself daily for success, ie motivational self-talk in the morning, affirmations, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, spiritual practice, or anything else that fills your cup.

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